Error “Unknown PCI header type ‘127’ “
The ASUS Prime x370/x470/x570 pro BIOS versions for AMD RYZEN 3000-series support (version 4602 – version 5220), will break a PCI passthrough setup. Error “Unknown PCI header type ‘127’“.
BIOS versions up to (and including) 4406, 2019/03/11 are working.
BIOS versions from (and including) 5406, 2019/11/25 are working.
Host OS
Kernel versions
- 4.15 (18.04 LTS) – is good for VFIO use cases. One should avoid kernel below that, at least in combination with an AMD Ryzen processor as 4.15 has fixed the SMT bug.
- 4.16 – 5.0 are good for VFIO.
- 5.1 – 5.3 should be avoided for VFIO
- 5.4 (20.04 LTS) is good for VFIO. Starting with 5.4 the former Kernel module VFIO is now part of the kernel itself. This changes the activation syntax and break setups from former versions.
- 5.6 – 5.8 are good for VFIO.
- 5.9 – 5.10 should be avoided for VFIO. Has issues with Nvidia GPUs and libvirt.
- 5.11 is good for VFIO (especially nested-virtualization)
Guest OS
Windows 10
Windows releases >=1803 require the Host to have
kvm ignore_msrs=1
enabled, otherwise BSOD occur.
This can be done by adding a file to modprobe.d, like so (the name doesn’t matter kvm.conf was chosen for maintainability):
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
options kvm ignore_msrs=1
Windows 10 1903
Do not use 6ch/9ch audio devices in the virtual machine. It creates awful stuttering and performance loss. Use ac97 audio devices instead.
Error code 43 for passed through Nvidia GPUs
The Nvidia driver throws Error Code 43, if it recognizes the GPU is being passed through to a virtual machine. I wrote an separate article on that matter.
Sound errors
After some sleepless nights I wrote an separate article on that matter.
QEMU 4.0 with Q35
Starting with QEMU version 4.0, virtual machines with q35 chip will require
<ioapic driver='kvm'/>
tag in the libvirt configuration (respectivelykernel_irqchip=on
as QEMU-machine
QEMU 5.0
QEMU version 5.0 – 5.0.0-6 should be avoided. 5.0.0-6.1 is the first usable version.
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Performance optimizations for gaming on virtual machines
[…] A common issues and troubleshooting article exists here. […]
Hey, small note – your link for troubleshooting for Nvidia error links to audio setup one.
Mathias Hueber
thank you very much!
Hey, I’ve succesfully setup the GPU passthrough. But sometimes my screen goes black for a second. How can I fix this?
help pls
Is it possible that i can downgrade QEMU from 6.5.0 to something wich is compatible, i figured out that that is the last thing i can try in order to get my Nvidia drivers to install properly.